Video Marketing

Video Marketing
Do you know what the 2nd largest search engine in the world is?
Yes! Youtube is second only to Google.
What’s more, in the article Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out for 2019  predicted that 82% of internet traffic will be through video by 2021.
What does that mean for us as authors?
I think that it means that if we want to have a toehold in discoverability in the market, then we need to have a presence on Youtube.Doing Facebook live instead of Youtube? Save those Facebook live videos and upload them to Youtube as well. Make your footprint as wide as possible.
What are some ideas for videos for authors? You can do book trailers, you can do interviews, you can do regular chats. I enjoy an ap called Ripl that allows me to do quick videos about my books then posts them on social media for me. It’s SO EASY, and I can save those videos and put them on YouTube, too. I also have a Monday Morning Coffee and Chat where I answer reader questions. I can’t tell you how many times someone has mentioned enjoying my coffee-chats. Here is the link to my Youtube channel if you want to see what I do.
When you do YouTube, we need to keyword the mess out of those videos so that people can find us! With the below screenshot, you can see how I added keywords to a recent coffee chat:
I mispelled my name a couple of ways, and added every keyword I could think about that had to do with my video. I talked about speaking at the ACFW Colorado Springs chapter, then demonstrated the JumpCard usb technology that I had. I keep a text file of the first several keywords that are general about me and my chats, then just add the ones that are video-specific to what I’m talking about today.
Do you do regular videos? What do you do?