As an English noun, these originally French words kept those two gender specific forms; thus, the masculine form fiancé is used to describe a man ….
Month: July 2021
BLUF: (Bottom Line Up Front) The plural of fetus is fetuses or rarely feti. The definition of fetus: an unborn developing human child The singular ….
No matter how weak and feeble you look curled up in a ball, the proper idiomatic reference here is to a fetus, which sits curled ….
Farther refers to physical distance, while further describes the degree or extent of an action or situation. “I can’t run any farther,” but “I have ….
A wayside is the side of—or land adjacent to—a road or path. According to my best research, a waste side is some imaginary side filled ….
According to Webster, “Exact,” when used as a verb, means to “demand, claim, require, exact” or “to ask or call for something as due or ….
“Espresso” is defined as “coffee brewed by forcing steam or hot water through finely ground darkly roasted coffee beans.” This particular strong coffee drink brewed ….
The adjective expedient describes something that provides an easy way to achieve a goal or result, but it’s not necessarily a moral solution. Expedient describes ….
The increasingly common misspelling of “expatriate” as “ex-patriot” twists the noun’s meaning in a curious way. An “expatriate,” which is often shortened to “expat,” is ….
The words “except, accept, expect” have absolutely no senses in common. To except is to take or leave out from a number or a whole, ….