Grammar teachers across these United States of America, please don’t hate me. I’m about to expose a fallacy you’ve taught as truth for years. (Ahem) ….
Month: April 2021
I write Christian romantic suspense, so inside that genre, I need to have a faith arc, a romantic arc, and a suspense arc. Each of those arcs require internal and external conflicts, motivations, and different characterizations.
When I’m setting up and getting ready to plot a book, the first thing (other than my characters) that I need to know are what those conflicts and motivations are, and how they’re going to be resolved/utilized.
Bazaar and bizarre might sound alike but a bazaar is a market and bizarre describes something really strange or kooky. I suppose there could be ….
BLUF: (Bottom Line Up Front) The plural of basis is bases. basis: the bottom of something considered as its foundation: something on which something else ….
You can build a structure around a center, but bases go on the bottom of things, so you can’t base something around something else. Ask ….
“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” ~Babe Ruth
When you offer to trade something tangible in payment for something else, say your Levi’s jeans for a handwoven shirt in Mexico, or a week ….
Bare means naked, but to bear is to carry something. A bear is also a black, white, or brown furry animal, but most people don’t ….
At a “barbecue,” one who “barbecues” is a “barbecuer” and he has probably often “barbecued” in “barbecue pit” using “barbecue sauce.” Casual restaurants like to ….
Ball and Bawl are unusual in that they both originate from the Old Norse. Ball comes from the Old Norse bolr, meaning ball. Bawl came ….