Quick Tip Tuesday: Set a Timer

Quick Tip Tuesday: Set a Timer

When I started homeschooling, I had a terrible time getting my son Scott to focus. Scott has autism and HATED school. When we shifted from public school to homeschooling, I thought I could just recreate the structure of a classroom. Come to find out, that was his biggest downfall.

My husband suggested we follow the Pomodoro Technique, allows you to immerse yourself in your writing for a set time. Basically, we made a deal with him (because he operates in “deals” – he won’t break a deal if he understands the parameters.) If he works as hard as he can for 20 minutes, he can take a 10 minute break doing whatever he wants to do.

When we established that, he thrived and became a straight-A student. In his last year of high school, we are enjoying the freedom of homeschooling under the Pomodoro Technique.

It works if you’re having a hard time focusing on writing as well.

Setting a timer helps to structure your writing sessions, making it easier to commit to your goals. You’re able to have a deeper level of focus because it’s just for a short amount of time. It allows for regular breaks – and I use my breaks to take walks, which in turn inspire creativity!

My recommendation: Choose a quiet environment free from interruptions and set your timer. During the writing session, commit to writing without stopping, then take a short break before starting another session.