Make Your Editor Cry: “Along the Same Vein” vs. “In the Same Vein” and “Along the Same Line”

Make Your Editor Cry:  “Along the Same Vein” vs. “In the Same Vein” and “Along the Same Line”

The standard expression along the same line means on the same subject.

The standard expression in the same vein also means on the same subject.

The expression along the same vein appears to be a conflation of these two standard phrases and, without going too far down the rabbit hole, isn’t a thing.



Blue whales share similarities with mice. Both are warm blooded and along the same vein both nurse their young.


Blue whales share similarities with mice. Both are warm blooded and along the same line both nurse their young.

Blue whales share similarities with mice. Both are warm blooded and in the same vein both nurse their young.