Ensure that only singular pronouns are used with singular noun case and plurals with plural case. Incorrect: Every writer knows their work better than anyone ….
Month: January 2021
Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Examples are: I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, one, that, they, each, few, many, who, ….
In the narrative, if at all possible, avoid beginning any sentence with any of the so-called FANBOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, or So) ….
Assuming you reside in these United States of America, and assuming you write for an audience that speaks US English, then it follows that US ….
Use Active Verbs/Active Voice in every case when the narrative does not describe a state of being. Use Passive verbs only when describing a state ….
All rifles are guns. All pistols are guns. All revolvers are guns. Not all guns are rifles, not all guns are pistols, and not all ….
As much as us introverts wish it would, video marketing is not going away. Instead, it has become a vital part of a marketing plan. It allows you to form an emotional connection with your readers, which makes them more likely to buy your book if they’re connected with you. In turn, your audience will feel like they know you and can trust you. Also, people love watching videos.
All scotch is whisky. All bourbon is whiskey. Not all whisky is Scotch and not all whiskey is Bourbon. Both spellings of the word, whiskey ….
All boats are vessels. All ships are vessels. Not all vessels are boats or ships. Among water going vessels, the distinction between ships and boats ….
The Latin word sic is shorthand for, sic erat scriptum, which literally means thus (or sometimes so) it was written and basically means “This is ….