Make Your Editor Cry: Ellipsis (Awkward Plural)

Make Your Editor Cry: Ellipsis (Awkward Plural)

BLUF: (Bottom Line Up Front)
The plural of ellipsis is ellipses.

The definition of ellipsis: marks or a mark (such as … ) indicating an omission (as of words) or a pause

The singular of ellipsis is ellipsis. The plural of ellipsis is ellipses. There is no alternative English plural form that conforms to the standard rules for forming the plurals of nouns in English.

The noun ellipsis has a Greek root—from elleipein to leave out, fall short, from en in + leipein to leave—and is the derivation of the plural ellipses. There is no alternative English plural form. The plural ellipses does not conform to the standard rules for forming the plurals of nouns in English.

The ellipsis can be used to convey that there’s something left unsaid.
Some readers feel that ellipses can make novels look disorganized and vague.

For an article on usage of ellipsis, click [here] or visit

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