Make Your Editor Cry: Being That or Being As How vs. Because

Using “being that” or “being as how” to mean “because” or “since” is, well let’s just say, nonstandard. Using “being that” as a subordinating conjunction is informal enough to be considered incorrect, and using “being as how” as a subordinating conjunction is just a puzzling mess of “what the heck?” Have you seen sentences like this lately?
Being that it was hot outside, we decided to go to the pool.
Being as how it was hot outside, we decided to go to the pool.
I think “being as how” is probably an eggcorn for “seeing as how.” Regardless, try “because” or “since” instead. If “because” or “since” are not to your taste, you could use “given that” or “in that” instead.
Because it was hot outside, we decided to go to the pool.
Since it was hot outside, we decided to go to the pool.
Given that it was hot outside, we decided to go to the pool.
In that it was hot outside, we decided to go to the pool.

Gregg Bridgeman is the Editor-in-Chief at Olivia Kimbrell Press. He is husband to best-selling Christian author Hallee Bridgeman and parent to three. He continues to proudly serve in the US Armed Forces and has done so in either an active or reserve capacity for more than twenty years as an airborne and air assault qualified paratrooper, earning a Bronze Star for his service. Most importantly, he was ordained in October of 2001 after surrendering his life to Christ decades earlier.