Make Your Editor Cry: A blessing in the skies vs. A blessing in disguise

Make Your Editor Cry:  A blessing in the skies vs. A blessing in disguise

This idiom, “a blessing in disguise,” is intended to describe a blessing that may not at first appear to be a blessing. It is often used to describe an unfortunate event that resulted in a positive outcome. So it is intended to refer to something that at first appears to be bad or unfortunate but then turns out to actually be good.

The incorrect version, “a blessing in the skies” seems to refer to an undisguised blessing that is obviously a blessing all along, and it is in the heavens, but also seems to remain in the heavens?

The correct expression is “a blessing in disguise.”



My car breaking down so far from home turned out to be a blessing in disguise because I met my future husband thirty minutes later.


My car breaking down so far from home turned out to be a blessing in the skies because I met my future husband thirty minutes later.

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