BLUF: (Bottom Line Up Front) The plural of donkey is donkeys. donkey: the domestic ass (Equus asinus) The singular of donkey is donkey. The plural ….
Tag: editing
BLUF: (Bottom Line Up Front) The plural of domino is dominoes or dominos. domino: a flat rectangular block (as of wood or plastic) whose face ….
BLUF: (Bottom Line Up Front) The plural of doe is does. doe: the adult female of various mammals (such as a deer, rabbit, or kangaroo) ….
“Due” can mean “owed,” as in a bill has come due. Or it can mean satisfying or capable of satisfying a need, obligation, or duty ….
In plain geometry, there are 360 degrees in a circle. A right angle, say north in one direction and east in the other, is 90 ….
If your ex boyfriend is disinterested enough to give you his brother’s number, he’s over you and unbiased. If the cute brother is uninterested and ….
There is a “dichotomy” between two different or entirely opposite things. There is a “discrepancy” between two things that should be identical—but are not. A ….
BLUF: (Bottom Line Up Front) The plural of dictionary is dictionaries. dictionary: a reference source in print or electronic form containing words usually alphabetically arranged ….
BLUF: (Bottom Line Up Front) Dice is the plural form of die. die: a small cube or other geometric shape marked on each face with ….
BLUF: (Bottom Line Up Front) The plural of diagnosis is diagnoses. diagnosis: the art or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms ….